Embracing Birth Photography

Hello and welcome to the new, snazzy version of schoyer.com!!!  This is still a bit of a work in progress, I'll be adding lots more posts and photos as I go along - I am so glad you are here!

After I moved to the states from the islands, I spent a great deal of time thinking about what direction I wanted to take my photography in.  I had left behind a successful wedding, lifestyle family, maternity and fine art photography business.  Back on the island I was well known and respected , but was now in unchartered waters...My decision to dive into the exciting field of birth photography hit me like a lightening bolt!  This was a market that was just beginning to take off and one that I was already quite passionate about.  I have always strived to make images that evoke emotion and I knew my birth photographs would do just that!  The first thing I did was join the International Association of Professional Birth Photographers (birth photographers.com), connect via social media with others in this field and was super excited to get started!

Before I knew it I had booked two births, one cesarean and one natural - perfect as they were 2 weeks apart.  I was off and running!  I was thrilled as I knew from years in the business I had the technical skills and equipment to provide quality images plus I had once been a licensed Emergency Medical Technician so I knew from experience being present at a cesarean (or any kind of birth) would not phase me or throw me off my game.  And I was right!  The images from the cesarean are AMAZING.  The room was quite small so I was right on top of the action but did my best to get great shots without being in any of the medical team's way.  The momma was thrilled when she saw what I had captured, she said I caught everything she missed and was so grateful!

However I learned right away how much birthing can be unpredictable as I was just finishing up the post cesarean photoshoot when I got a text from Mama #2 saying she was in the hospital and already at 7cm - all the way in another town!  I quickly wrapped up that shoot, jumped in my car and headed to her hospital.  Thankfully I was totally prepared for this, having packed extra memory cards, camera batteries AND food!  I arrived at the hospital and six hours later her sweet little girl was born!

As I drove home that night I was absolutely buzzing with excitement - I knew I had found my niche and couldn't WAIT to book my next birth!