Meet my associate

This chunky little nugget is the light of my life, he reminds me so much of his daddy when he was a baby.  He has the BESTEST most laid back personality (teething aside naturally).  I tell his parents (his handlers) all the time how easy t…

This chunky little nugget is the light of my life, he reminds me so much of his daddy when he was a baby.  He has the BESTEST most laid back personality (teething aside naturally).  I tell his parents (his handlers) all the time how easy they have it...what other toddler squeals with DELIGHT when it's bedtime, claps his hands, runs to his room and once you've put him in his crib with a good night kiss, covers his head with a blanket and calls it a night?  FOR THE WHOLE NIGHT?  I have settled into my role as grandmother as though every moment in my life was leading up to this.  Because I work for myself now I get to spend way more time with him than I ever did with my own children, I went back to work when they were a wee 6 weeks old, so I missed a lot but they had the best nannies the Virgin Islands had to offer at the time and for that I will always be grateful.

I adore him at this age (almost 2), he loves Curious George, music - all music but I did have him dancing to some Bluegrass the other day, stacking blocks and, this is exciting, likes his new, shiny, blue soccer ball.  However I cannot wait for him to be just a bit older and way more excited about posing for photos - the costumes I have in mind for him!  The masks!  

I'm just so lucky to have him in my life.